
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you should have any questions regarding the ICA Visual Communication Studies Division. To get in touch with the Division officers directly, you can find their contact details here. For website queries, please contact the VCS Division Secretary.

The Visual Communication Studies Division is an open-minded and very international community of scholars. We use different channels to communicate and are always eager to welcome new members to join our conversation. Here are some of the ways to do just this:


The Visual Communication Studies Division has its own Facebook Group. Please join the group if you want to receive news on the field, job postings, the latest publications, and much more.


The Visual Communication Studies maintains a Twitter account, @ICAVisComm, for promoting division events, especially during the annual conference, and members’ activities. The official hashtag of the Division is #ica_vis. Please make sure to use it when tweeting on visual communication studies and while attending the conference (along with the conference-specific hashtag).

ICA website

The Visual Communication Studies Division is also featured on the ICA website. If you are a member of the division, you may log into the ICA community there.